CSU Support
CSU Support (1)
Provided support for an emerging Commissioning Support Unit in the midlands. This work involved reviewing current IT support provision for Commissioning and Primary Care services. As part of the review there was a requirement to engage with GPs, Commissioning support staff, IT Service teams, Senior Managers/Executives and County Council staff. The review resulted in an options appraisal and recommendations for future service provision and configuration of IT services.
CSU Support (2)
Supported another forming CSU, also in the midlands, looking at potential service models for the Informatics and programme management services. The brief here was somewhat different, with the main focus being on detailed costing analysis of a range of options, and presenting these to the CSU IT Programme Board for consideration. This was a particularly complex piece of work which involved many stakeholders, often with conflicting views about the best way to proceed. There was a fine balance to be drawn between delivery of operational services, delivery of efficiencies, and disruption to operational services arising from organisational change. The final recommendation was presented to the IT Programme Board for consideration.
CSU Support (3)
A merger of several organisations into a single (and very large) CSU required support at short notice for the production of Informatics Job Descriptions to enable the challenging timescales for consultation and population of staff into agreed structures to be achieved. The Job Descriptions had to be written to enable Agenda for Change matching to be carried out as well as to inform Informatics staff what the roles would involve in preparation for the recruitment and selection process. Further to this work, Neil Stevens Consulting Ltd was asked to support the recruitment process for informatics jobs in the CSU as well as some longer-term strategic support for establishing the new organisation and supporting transition.
CSU Support (4)
Neil Stevens Consulting Ltd was commissioned by a large shadow CSU to support them with a
challenging transition from PCTs to a fully authorised Commissioning Support Unit in April 2013.
We provided a team of specialists in Informatics, Project Management and Organisational Change
over a period of 10 months covering the period before, during and after the transition date. This
enabled new teams in the new organisation to become fully effective much more quickly than
would otherwise have been possible. This led to service delivery and strategic plans being able to
achieve ‘fitness for purpose’ significantly earlier, and with less disruption to staff and customers.
For any more information on any of this work or how we went about completing the tasks, Contact Us here.